Recent News
The Town of St. Ignatius staff strive to keep you updated on all matters related to your community. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will gladly assist you! Subscribe today and receive up to the minute News and important Alerts delivered straight to your inbox.
Seasonal Lawn Mower Help Wanted
The Town of St. Ignatius is looking for a seasonal lawn mower, this would be a breat summer job for the right high school student or someone looking for extra work this summer. Applications can be found on our website or through the job service. Please send a standard application to town hall or drop one of f. Pay is $13.54 an hour.
CSKT Community Safety Action Plan
Have concerns about roadways safety throught the Flathead Reservation, CSKT community safety action plan is having an open house Tuesday March 4th from 4-7 p.m. at the polson high schools. See the flyer for more information.
Government Review Commission Meeting Dates
The Town of St. Ignatius Government Review Commission would like to announce the upcomming meeting dates.
Notice of Special Meetings
The Town of St. Ignatius will have two special meetings scheduled for Tuesday January 21st at the Town Hall located in St. Ignatius.
Food Pantry Looking for Volunteers
The Mission Valley Food Pantry in St. Ignatius is needing volunteers. The Pantry is open Tuesday and Friday 10 am to 2 pm and the last Saturday of the Month. if you have 4 hours 1 to 2 times a month to help it would be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions please stop by on the days we are open or you can call 406-745-3396, If I am not available, please leave a message and I will return your call.
Sewer Main Construction
The Town of Stignatius is happy to announce that the first portion of our waste water upgrade project will be starting next week. Town employees and the council have put in a lot of hours to get this project off the ground. The project has been engenieered so that it can be done in smaller portions as we try to get as much coverd by grants and other sources as possible. Crews will be working on the main line leaving town next week between North Main Street and Highway 93. That has been determined to be the worst portion and in need of repair first. If you did not know the current swere main lines are near or over 90 years old and are made up of clay tile pipe, most of which have erroed beyond repair, collapsed or have been filled with roots. At this time there is no expected impact on users as they will be doing a side by side replacement.
2024 Christmas Festival
The Chamber of Commerce 2024 Christmas Festival will be held Saturday December 7th from 5-8 pm at the Good Old Days Park
CSKT Community Safety Action Plan
If you missed the open house at the St. Ignatius Community center there is still time to let them know about your safety concerns on our highways. It can be in regards to Driving, Walking, Biking. Visit the website and fill out a feedback form.
Invitation to Bid Sewer Projects
The Town of St. Ignatius is now accepting bids for Sew repair and imrprovement projects. Please see the links below for bid process and project information.
Permanant Part Time Help Wanted
The Town of St. Ignatius Public Works Department intends to hire an “as needed” part-time water and sewer laborer, who will also help with general maintenance. Applicants must have a valid driver’s license. Must also have or be able to obtain water and sewer operator certification. Town will provide the training to obtain certifications (issued by MT DEQ Wage begins at $21/hour. Interested parties should send a letter of interest and application to City Hall, PO Box 103, St. Ignatius, MT 59865. Application can be acquired from Job Service. Job opens until filled. Applications will be reviewed every Friday.
Library Board Vacancies
The Town of St. Ignatius is actively seeking volunteers to serve on the St. Ignatius Public Library Board. The library district includes areas outside of the city limits of St. Ignatius. A library board trustee helps provide governance for the public library; hires and evaluates the library director; establishes and monitors annual budget; and exercises such other powers, not inconsistent with law, necessary for the effective use and management of the library.
Free womans self defense
Town of St. Ignatius Launches a Brand New Website! Subscribe Today!
We are excited to announce that our new website has launched and includes all the information our community needs. Check back often, as we will be adding information often. Subscribe and receive news and alerts via email and text. Let us know what you think!